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BART – Biological Activity Reaction Test kits

Making a definitive diagnosis as to the presence of bacteria/corrosion within a water well, pipeline etc. can be difficult. Which is why Geoquip is proud to offer a patented Biological Activity Reaction Test (BART) kits specifically designed to detect the presence of iron-reducing bacteria, Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria, Acid Producing Bacteria, Denitrifying Bacteria, Fluorescent Psuedomonads, Mirco ALGAE, Nitrifying Bacteria and Slime-forming bacteria.

Iron Related Bacteria IRB Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test

Making a definitive diagnosis as to the presence of iron-reducing bacteria within a water well, pipeline etc. can be difficult. Which is why Geoquip is proud to offer a patented Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of iron-related bacteria.

Box of 9 Tests.

Sulfate Reducing Bacteria SRB Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test

Much like the test forIron Bacteria, this Biological Reaction Activity Test (BART) for Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria makes determining the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria easy.

Box of 9 Tests.

Slime-forming bacteria SLYM Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test

We are proud to offer a, definitive test for the detecting Slime-forming bacteria with our Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Testing kit.

Box of 9 Tests.

Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria HAB Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test

Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria – HAB.

Box of 9 Tests.

Acid Producing Bacteria APB Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test.

Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Acid Producing Bacteria – APB

Box of 9 Tests.

Denitrifying Bacteria DN Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test.

Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Denitrifying Bacteria – DN

Box of 9 Tests.

Fluorescent Psuedomonads FLOR Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test.

Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Fluorescent Psuedomonads – FLOR

Box of 9 Tests.

Micro ALGE Algae Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test.

Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Mirco ALGAE – ALGE

Box of 9 Tests.

Nitrifying Bacteria N Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test.

Biological Activity Reaction (BART) Test kit specifically designed to detect the presence of Nitrifying Bacteria – N

Box of 9 Tests.